Tri-Cities Disposal & Recycling Service (TCDR) provides the highest quality refuse and recycling collection services for the Salinas Valley cities of Gonzales, Greenfield, and Soledad, California. Our mission is to provide quality service while preserving resources and protecting the environment.
At TCDR we strive to meet local and global environmental challenges and we take our lead role proudly. We encourage every person to REDUCE the waste they make, REUSE items instead of repurchasing what they don't need, and RECYCLE as much as possible. In addition, be creative and REPURPOSE what you have.
Remember, "refuse" is not one of the three R's, and the last resort when reducing, reusing, and recycling doesn't apply. Find out more about what we are doing to save our earth! One way...BE GREEN... today, every day!
Never put these items in these carts!
Take to:
Johnson Canyon Landfill
31400 Johnson Canyon Rd., Gonzales
Jolon Transfer Station
52654 Jolon Rd., King City
SVR HHW & Recycling Center at Madison Lane
1104 Madison Lane, Salinas
Medical waste does not belong in your trash, recycling, or organics cart! Your recyclables don't disappear when they go to the curb. They come to us. We only have seconds to sort paper glass and plastic. And when we spot a needle or any medical waste...everything stops. What's worse is when we don't spot it. Please remember that there are human beings sorting through recyclable materials in our materials recovery facility. When people put medical supplies and contamination such as needles in the recycling cart, they put our entire staff at risk for medical problems and disease. Please visit the website for Salinas Valley Recycles to find out how you can safely and legally dispose of medical waste while protecting people and the environment.
Tri-Cities Disposal & Recycling Service, Inc. | 10 Ryan Ranch Road | P.O. Box 2780 | Monterey, CA 93942 | Toll-free: 1-888-678-6798
Serving the Community & Preserving the Environment